
Dear Guest,

We are closed from 06. April, 2024 until and including 08, May, 2024.

We are open daily from 09. May, 2024 until and including 02. November, 2024.



Kindest Greetings!

Sabine and Team


A walking tour to the Bärgunt-Hütte is - regardless if in Summer or Winter - always a successful achievement. In the Summer months it is especially nice for the kids to play, run up and down the paths and to pet the livestock. Since both paths are open and cleared during the Winter months and the landscape packed away in a wonderful blanket of snow, you can still reach the Bärgunt-Hütte. If you bring along your small sleigh, then the fun is pre-programmed to be just fantastic!

It is possible that in the event of avalanch danger the public authorities close entry to the Bärgunttal.


The Bärgunt-Hütte must by law remain closed in the event of avalanch danger. 


Open in December - January: 10:00 until 16:00 Hours
Open in February - April: . . 10:00 until 17:00 Hours

Open daily in the Summer: . . . . . 10:00 until 17:00 Hours